Be the Spark

Spark photo-1461691856507-0d746661713fWho is the one person that has made the biggest and most profound impact on your life?

Do you have them in mind?

Who is he or she?

Think about how you feel about that person.

What sort of connection do you have with them?

Perhaps words can’t even describe how you feel.

Do words like gratitude, admiration, and love come to mind.

Or are you brought to a place of deep respect for the impact they made on you when you most needed it?

Take a second and connect with that feeling those thoughts and realize, as human beings, this is our role, our responsibility in life to impact and be the change in each others lives.

It could be as simple as lifting another in a time of need, telling them are worthy, good enough and more loved than they know. A time when you light a spark in their soul.

Now imagine that YOU are that change agent – YOU are that person! Let me tell you that’s the stuff of pure gold, the memory making, soul changing, purpose aligning, without apology or explanation needing. That my dear friend is the is pure the act of human existence – legacy making.

Pretty profound and powerful, right? And you have the power – that superpower – so use it!

So go ahead and be that spark!

Big Smooch to you all!


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