It’s true … I live, embrace and practice the Pollyanna Principle (overly optimistic way of viewing life) not in spite of my life’s experiences but because of them. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Without this outlook I think I would have succumbed to the fear. I am Pollyanna all the way and do my best to be open and accepting of others.
Sadly as of late, I have seen people being shamed and ridiculed on social media for expressing concern over something they care deeply about. I have also read and witnessed many questioning why the outcry for atrocities that have been committed – I have even received private messages from some stating “your trauma” is more important.
I say FROCK OFF to this way of thinking! It’s simply – stinkin thinkin.
For those who have been hurt by another – my heart aches. I have nothing but compassion and a desire to stand in support of those who need us to stand.
There is no shortage of tragedy in the world – we need not look far and wide. Why must we question why someone cares, their motives or even worse question their priorities.
How does ones compassion for an issue or situation diminish another?
What is the cost of compassion?
Why must there be an either or situation when compassion is needed?
There is no limit or quota on how many people one can love or care for. It is not as if the well runs dry if you love too many. Or does it? Of course not!
No matter the issue: compassion, forgiveness, love, tenderness, and understanding should not be doled out in rations – it should be limitless.
Assigning a level of importance to a travesty is discounting how another feels based on our own beliefs, rules, values and serves only as a wedge of judgement.
Who are we to judge?
Recently we lost our much beloved puppy (Bella) and the pain was real, heart wrenching and at times all consuming. To those who do not have pets I’m sure it’s difficult to understand the depth of grief we felt.
I am not comparing our loss or grief to the loss of a human being because there is a natural order in this world and humans are at the top. At times I question that but for the most part people are good.
I understand that not everyone gets the grief surrounding a furry family member and so I feel it’s important to state here how grateful we are for the outpouring of love and support that has been bestowed upon us.
Add to this a couple of other very difficult issues we have had to face, as a family, in the last three weeks and all I can say is thank goodness for the many compassionate souls who showered us with love and concern.
I have a very simple practice in my life that is based upon treating others the way I want to be treated. Sure it’s simple, it’s nothing new, but it works for me. Having had to live a caged life for many years – afraid of so many things. Fearing for my safety, what others would think of me and how they would judge my past engrained in me the need to be accepting, compassionate and inclusive.
Here is my simple recipe for life, as I see it, it resembles a chocolate soufflé…
Why a soufflé?
Just as life carries a certain mystique and lacks predictability so do soufflés. Of all the desserts served there is perhaps none more impressive than a towering soufflé, steaming hot with a delicious and mysterious , creamy center. Hmm so similar to a life well lived and enjoyed.
Even the most seasoned chefs and bakers approach the making of the soufflé with trepidation. Why? Because they fall. The soufflé is capricious; with a lifespan as brief as a breath – sometimes a deep cleansing breath or a short and rapid breath, in all its billowing glory, but in the end its fall is inevitable.
Just like life… is brief and at times takes our breath away …ultimately our departure is inevitable.

For You
To begin assemble all your ingredients.
2 parts of moments that take your breath away – Spice for memories
5 parts of ordinary day to day life – because ordinary offers stability
2 parts of joy – because without this a soufflé falls flat
3 parts of curiosity – curiosity fuels the soul
3 parts of faith and hope – without faith and hope darkness can envelop us
1 part of sorrow and loss – it’s life and shows up when we least expect it.
2 parts of Hell YEAH! – Exhilaration and times of growth
Combine the above ingredients in the bowl and beat until frothy (setting sorrow aside for as long as you can). Gradually add sorrow, and continue beating until ribbons, and experiences form (the amount of time will vary – depending on one’s life). Very lightly fold in endless parts of compassion, gratitude, love, understanding and forgiveness.
Once all ingredients have been combined pour gently in the baking dish of choice.
Oh and be sure to slather copious amounts of deliciousness in the baking dish.
Finally dust your masterpiece lightly with tenderness and place gently in the oven to rise. Maintain careful and thoughtful watch – being ever careful to nurture your soufflé.
Remove from the oven when risen and let stand until cool.
Enjoy and embrace the delicious and frock-alicious parts of life!
I must run my timer is sounding…
Jo aka Lover of Life and Food!