Just believe it!


Believe it possible – dreams do come true.  In 2007 when I began writing Frock Off I had a BIG dream.  A dream too share the message and to be heard.  I needed to give a voice to Susan and Mom.  To reclaim my life and to make a difference.Frock Off Ready, set, go!(1)

Sharing this message was only the start.  Having the support of this quest became a movement that I only had dreamed of.  To be able to have so many incredible people helping and healing with our cause, made this dream into reality.

Last week some BIG news came.  I was notified of yet another confirmation that proved dreams do come true. I received an email that I was actually afraid to open. I sat staring at my inbox willing myself  – just open it.  What was the worse thing that could happen? The email from Readers Favorites would tell me whether or not Frock Off: Living Undisguised would be in the finals in the largest book contest they have ever had.

As  I read the first email it looked as though we had not made it. The email reflected more of a thank you for entering tone. My heart sake a little but I read on…

Here is the gist of the email.

Reader Favorites header-main

 2014 Award Contest Finalists!

We are excited to officially announce the finalists in our 2014 Readers’
Favorite annual International Award Contest!

This was our largest contest ever and competition was fierce.

Finalists were selected by extremely narrow margins and many great books could not be chosen.
It was an extremely competitive year and your selection was hard earned.

All contestants are also eligible for the Wind Dancer Films opportunity.

Congratulations on being a finalist in three categories!

Contest winners will be announced on September 1st. Good luck!

Finalist-Readers Favorites shiny-webNon-Fiction        Biography                  

Non- Fiction       Memoir                                

Non- Fiction       True Crime                         


I am honored that Frock Off: Living Undisguised is a finalist in not only one but three categories.


And now just for you.

Gfits for you imagesGet our latest e-book simply by joining our community.

Simply click the link to receive your gifts.  Link: We invite you to join us in conversation and change.

The four most common frocks we don.  Link: Frocks, Frocks Everywhere are Frocks!

Are you ready to live your Frock-alicious life? Link: Your Frock-alicious Life is calling! Ready, set, frock off, it’s your turn!


Join us! check out his video. Link: It’s time for YOU!