The BIG question hit me early this morning as I sat looking out my kitchen window what was my answer to why?
Why did it take so long for me to reclaim my life. To fall in love again with my life and embrace my true calling?
I believe the answer was that I had to be vulnerable. I first had to strip down to become buck-naked and lay it all on the line.
For such a long time I was paralyzed by fear of judgment or failure. Truth is, the fear of what if and what would others think was so POWERFUL and yet so unfounded. I was held back for decades.

What an Honor!
There is a saying that goes something like this… “What you think of me is really none of my business”. That sounds logical enough but fear is not logical.
All the while I knew I had a true calling, I knew I had a purpose. But what was it?
After all, I had been spared from death not once but several times. I therefore knew I had to live up to the destiny I was bound for. It would take me almost forty nine years to discover my destiny. Forty nine years is a long time.
I began small with one small but purposeful step and then the next thing I knew I had published my memoir Frock Off: Living Undisguised.
Today we have a grassroots movement to help others fall in love with their lives and discover their true calling while being socially responsible and contributing to two worthy causes.
Living the life I am intended to is rewarding. Everyday I hear from amazing, courageous, inspirational people who are also starting to Frock Off. Their intention to live the life they are called to live.
Oh yes and then there are moments like discovering Frock Off: Living Undisguised sits along side Hillary Clinton’s newest book, Hard Choices. What a great surprise for a self published author who once feared sharing her story.
I call this new life Frock-alicious. What the heck is Frock-alicious? It is delicious, delightful, fabulous, fantastic, joy-filled, abundant and filled with love and wild success beyond measure.
We are all called to do something bold with our lives. Finding your true calling is a journey and at times it can even be painful. If you are waiting for the right moment or the perfect time, it tends to never come. Paralyzed by the fear of failure, will always keep you afraid. To accomplish all those magical moments you have been called to do. You have to take the first step, and LIVE. Never be afraid to live.
Sharing two of our latest videos please enjoy.
Frocks, Frocks Everywhere are Frocks
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