These days I catch myself laughing and lamenting (at times) over the Jo who once needed to know with 100% certainty what would happen.
Oh the angst I must have created for myself, those I loved and who loved me – in spite of my need for control.
There was a time I was rigid and inflexible. I needed to know with absolute certainty what the outcome would be – there could be no grey in my world.
I appeared to be adaptable (because I had to be to blend in) but I strictly followed all my own parameters.
Why? I was terrified and trusted no one. The energy required to live such a controlled life was exhausting and today seems forever ago.
Absolute certainty in all things is illogical, uncompromising, and closed minded. And in my case – was fear based. The close and ever present second cousin rigidity, a natural by product of absolute certainty, was very much a part of my life. Both of the above lead to stagnation and scarcity – neither leave room for curiosity and expansion.
Conversely than living in curiosity ever open and willing to: see, receive. experience possibilities and explore opportunities must be – freeing, enlightening, expanding, and life changing. Perhaps, but can I say for certain? Pun intended.
Life is too rich and full of “it depends on” situations. And I believe, that in most instances, the world more resembles grey than black and white. Therefore ,for the most part, absolute certainty is an oxymoron.
So if we live open and willing to all possibilities, does this ensure an easy ride? Short answer. No.
If only life were that simple and we had all the answers.
Even Charlie Brown was befuddled to discover there isn’t an answer key for life.

What I know to be true is that living the latter is so much better, easier and freeing!
I aspire, desire and have decided that being open and willing will remain my lifelong practice.
The only thing I am certain of is my determination to pull through, rise above and stand up – no matter what. I may not always know how – but I am determined.
Those years ago when I lived the: frocked up, caged life with fear as my captor, friend and guide. I trusted no one and was certain only I had the answers – in all things!
It’s a lot of pressure having to be right all the time. If only I had I known what I know now… it would have been far easier.
20/20 hindsight valuable and ever so brilliant after the fact! Hence the hindsight part!
Lesson: Certainty without flexibility or knowledge, is useless – lacks wisdom and serves no one.
Now-a-days I am open to solutions far beyond Jo!
Funny thing is when you open up and become willing to possibilities – the opportunities keep showing up.
Coincidentally? I think not.

It’s your turn and your time!
Creating sustainable transformations makes life juicy. Unleashing our true potential that’s Frock-alicious!