As a woman in a first world country, I am for the most part privileged with all conveniences money can buy. If I want something – I purchase it. It’s that simple.
I frequently enjoy all the benefits and blessings of living in a first world country. And therefore it’s hard to comprehend, in a country such as Canada, that there are many who struggle everyday – who lack even the most basic necessities.
Although I remember a time, in my life, when there was more month than money – particularity as a child and young mother. Somehow I just knew it would get better. I was told the other day I was one of the lucky ones. According to statistics less than 1% make it out of extreme poverty.
Today I am so grateful for all I have but what I know to be true is gratitude alone is not enough – not nearly enough. I am committed to being the change in whatever way I can.
This past week I have noticed, as have you no doubt, a massive outcry over Starbucks red cups… Really? Who cares?
Red, purple, blue, green – who cares!

Red Cup!
Sadly not all people who live in a first world country enjoy the same privileges – for a variety or reasons. For many, whether first world or developing world, life is a continuous struggle and survival is top priority…
Right here in Canada – the land of democracy and freedom many struggle to make ends meet.
Did you know there are 35,000 homeless on any given night in Canada… 35,000 – that’s appalling!
Did you know that tonight and on any given night there are 180,00 staying in shelters? For more details The True State of Homelessness in Canada
Poverty and Child Hunger
Another staggering and heart wrenching problem is child hunger even though 25 years ago, the Canadian government vowed to eradicate child poverty by the year 2000, sadly today not much has changed. Today 3/10 of most vulnerable kids go without food and know all to well what it’s like to go hungry in a land of plenty. Link:

Red Cup, Blue Cup
Who cares!
Shelters – the continued need.
A survey snapshot shows, there were 7,969 women and children staying in shelters across Canada for reasons of abuse and otherwise. Of these residents, 4,476 were women (56%) and 3,493 (44%) were their dependent children. Again this is Canada!
This isn’t some developing country problem. No, this is our very own country – Canada!
We live in the land of plenty and it’s a sad state of affairs that the color of a take out cup warrants this outcry!

Please join me in being the change.
Simply share this post if you agree that ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Jo Dibblee is the Author of Frock Off: Living Undisguised and is committed to being the change.