It’s a rinse and repeat kinda day here in Sooke. The sun is streaming through the window as I sip my steaming hot cup of tea and write this post.
Have you ever noticed that some BIG dreams simply fall into place while others seem unattainable. The funny thing is given all the same perimeters but with access to knowledge and new perspectives that same dream becomes a reality. I lived this lesson first hand when I wrote and published Frock Off: Living Undisguised. For years I wanted to write and release my memoir – a story of triumph in the face of extreme adversity yet at times it felt as though it would NEVER happen!
The obstacles were plentiful but the more I had access to knowledge, new perspectives, learning and connections to others, shifts happened. A shift from once impossible – to possible – to 100% probable took place! You see EVERYTHING changed!
I find the biggest leaps to growth and satisfaction are often accompanied by the most arduous of distractions. Distractions which create self doubt and frustration. Just as stepping on a Lego in the dark will stop you dead in your tracks and leave you reeling or at the very least second guessing yourself – often they are learning opportunities dressed as problems but make no mistake distractions create havoc.

Been there!
And that damn (yes damn) nagging inner voice that’s always at the ready to interrupt with ” what if'” – oh I know you have been there too, we all have.
Those moments when we question why me and why not me. When we whisper secretly into the darkness of night our dreams and desires, as if by whispering we keep them safe and neatly tucked in our hearts. Yes those moments when we wonder when or if …things will ever change. When we struggle with who we are and what we long for; when we seek to stand up and step into our glorious life so that we can realize all that is probable. Yes those are the moments – the turning point moments.
If you’re like how I used to be, the anxiety rolls in like a steam engine and settles in your bones, cold and unforgiving and at times it may seem it will last forever – it won’t! This I can promise you because it’s true!
Often daybreak brings some clarity. Funny that clarity, like hindsight, comes so easily in the morning. Why is that?
Perhaps it’s the newness of the day, the mind has rested and reset, or perhaps it’s just the timing.
Whatever the reason we get recharged and ready to tackle the day believing this day to be different. The reality though is night will fall again and again we will cycle.
This is why we must stand up and step into the life we dream of and celebrate success or as we like to call it the Frock-alicious Life.
So rinse and repeat all the things that move you forward and toss the rest.
Invest in you and push for growth. YOU are worth it!
Ready for a change? Is it time to grab your slice of the pie!

Grab your slice of the pie!
Grab your slice of the pie!
Are you a savvy, smart, overwhelmed women whose life and business are stretching you to your limit? You’re ready to make a change to live the life you desire, dream and deserve AND see massive success in your business without sacrificing your soul. You’re ready to breakthrough the obstacles that have held you back? You know it’s your turn and your time – but you aren’t sure where to start.
If you’re ready to STAND UP and STEP INTO your life?
Let’s talk – better yet join us for sustainable transformations.