At some point in one’s life we all grapple with the really BIG questions.
These questions can bring you to your knees even causing many sleepless nights, leaving us wondering if we will ever know.
The really BIG questions like what is: my purpose, my calling, my legacy, can haunt even the most accomplished people.
There is a myth that the more choices we have the easier it is to determine the answers.
It is believed that we as women in North America are the luckiest and freest in the world. As modern women we have an abundance of choices and therefore are able to live out our wildest dreams and aspirations.
Perhaps to those outside North America this is accurate. Not sure I would agree though. Sure we (as a gender) have come further than women on many other continents. Truth is the demands and frocks we wear have multiplied with the choices.

Calm and Collected
Yes, I know some of you may get offended but hang in there with me as I explain my take on this. By all means feel free to share your thoughts. In fact I would love that! But wait, I’m digressing, back to the subject at hand.
At times the plethora of choices resembles more of a double edged sword. More choices, more expectations.
Some say to have it all, we must live a simple life filled with grace in bliss.
FAT CHANCE and not true!
A simple life which by definition is: uncomplicated, straightforward, predictable, without challenge or demands, uninvolved, painless, effortless, filled with grace and harmony. Sounds more like a painting than a well lived life.
Not to say grace and harmony aren’t lovely but the rest sounds rather…boring. Life is meant to be lived in perpetual motion.
When I speak of motion, I am not speaking of the daily demands and tasks we face as women today: excelling in your business or career, managing your household with help of your husband (if you have one), planning meals, raising exceptionally gifted children who love and adore you all the time, doing laundry, making dinners, making lunches, baking cookies, putting on bandages, removing bandages, reading stories to your children at bedtime, being a taxi driver, teachers assistant, a confidant to your friends, caring for your aging parents and volunteering for community causes locally and internationally, and the list goes on.
No, when I speak of motion, I am referring to forward movement that leads to discovery. To the answers we seek as human beings.
The truth is, you can have everything. It is doable but not all at the same time. Too many balls in the air create discontent. Before you know it, you are fifty, sixty, even seventy and wondering what the heck happened?
Even Superwoman would crash.

Too Many Balls!
Life isn’t meant to be simple, although at times we could all use a little simple. No, life is meant to be a journey filled with experiences; some happy, some sad, some exciting, some tragic, some unnerving, some exasperating and some are even heart breaking.
It is our experiences that give us pause and cause us to strive for betterment and meaning. It is after all the human condition to grow and seek our purpose, calling and fulfill our legacy, all of which lead to a Frock-alicious life filled with abundance, joy, health, love and success.
It is any wonder we come to a certain age and begin to seek the answers.
I ask you, when is there time for you to find the answers you seek? To discover you’re purpose, you’re calling and fulfill you’re legacy?
So instead of a simple life seek and strive for a purpose driven life. A life fraught with ups and downs and yet rich beyond comprehension with more moments of grace then suffering.
For myself, I aim to live a Frock-alicious Life, one in which I use up, squeeze dry and milk for all it is worth. I wish this too for you.
So how do we do it?
We must retreat and be fed with nutritious, delicious and inspiring ideas that not only fuel the soul but also empowers us with dedication to etch out time of our very own.
Are you ready to be fed and inspired? We are ready to serve YOU!
Because tomorrow never comes! YOU are so worth this.
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The four most common frocks we don. Link: Frocks, Frocks!
Are you ready to live a Frock-alicious Life? It’s for you… it’s your voice, your story, your calling and YOUR life! Join us September 26th- 28th.
Link: You deserve a Frock-alicious Life.