Don’t do it – they say.
They say, “don’t build your house on shaky ground”. Rather build your home and life on a foundation that will stand the test of time. At times though, it can feel like your life is built on sinking sand – metaphorically speaking that is.
Sometimes life can even feel like it’s built on a false premise and that the walls are crumbling in around us. What if your foundation is not rock solid but rather sinking sand?
Sometimes the weight of the world, the facades, expectations and obligations are just too much. If you’re reading this right now and relating, please know that every moment in time will pass, and the sun will rise again.
Logically it makes perfect sense not to build your house on sinking sand but what if that is the only foundation you have at the moment. What if sand is all you can stand on at this very moment?
Well there’s great news about sand. You see sand is pliable, adaptable and fills in cracks and crevice. It shifts when needed and it’s a key component in concrete. Without sand concrete, which is one of the strongest and preferred building materials for building sustainable, long lasting structures, will not bind.
So that lowly single grain of sand when combined and mixed properly is the strength that binds.
So, I say, so what!

Even those beautiful red shoes.
Some grains can rub the wrong way, even cause you blisters, but they can also be the strength that binds and creates resiliency.
We simply need to add a few ingredients to make our house/life stand the test of time.
Sure there are times our lives do feel as though they are built on sinking sand. I have been there many times. Those times were often tough lessons but I tell you what, it is those lessons that have made me who I am today – just as your lessons have made you who you are.
To make your life juicy, joy filled and wildly successful, another words Frock-alicious you will need to take those grains of sand, mix them lovingly with compassion, wisdom, forgiveness and understanding until they are just the right consistency.
This is how to make your life the stuff legends are made of.
You are after-all pure magic!
You got this thing – now start mixing!
- Just for YOU!

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The four most common frocks we don. Link: Frocks, Frocks!
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