It is said the sweetest thing one ever hears is their spoken name. Perhaps this is true if you are not afraid for your life but for me if someone called me by my birth name my blood ran cold. If you knew my real name that meant you knew me! If you have read Frock Off: Living Undisguised you have a clear picture as to why that is so if not pick up your gift below. Alas I am digressing, back to the task or question at hand.
I wonder what really lies in the meaning of our name and how much of a roll it may play on our destiny.
Throughout history there have been many great women and men of courage and conviction whose deeds have been recognized. Their legacy lives on because of their commitment to being the change they sought. Here are just two that come to mind.
Catherine the Great – This was a woman who knew how to build her A Team, and build her Circles of Influence. Catherine became the renowned empress of Russia, during her rule it became the largest and most powerful it had ever been. She was not about casting blame or shame, she practiced the Platinum Rule as she treated people how they wanted to be treated, and she knew who and how to tap into her Incredibility Factor. She knew she was Good Enough and had the tools. And that girl could a spin story. Her story need to be told! Catherine seem to know change was ever brewing – “A great wind is blowing that gives you imagination or a headache.”
What’s in a name – Catherine the Great – I would have to say quite a bit!
There have been many amazing women whose dedication and determination has been the catalyst for change.
My all time favorite woman of courage and conviction remains to be Joan of Arc. Although her outcome was tragic and cost Joan her life at the tender age of 19, she stood for what she believed. Joan of Arc would later be declared a patron saint of France. I am not aiming to be declared a patron saint but I am determined to be the change I seek. Jo, Joanne, Jo-Ann and many more versions are all a derivative of Joan of Arc. Hmm … there may be something in this name thing after all.
Now that it’s safe I love hearing my name. It’s about time!
So here’s the thing – the big question to consider – what do you want to be remembered for?
What will be said about you? Will you leave your mark as only you can?
Update on A Frock-alicious Life is Calling! It was a MASSIVE success. Stay tuned on what’s coming next but for now…
Vancouver : Frock-alicious by Design March 6th 2015
Vancouver Island : A Frock-alicious Life is Calling May 1-2nd 2015

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The four most common frocks we don. Link: Frocks, Frock Everywhere are Frocks
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