Why is it we wait?


Why is it we wait?

We wait for the perfect time.

We wait for the perfect opportunity.

We wait for a sign.

We wait because it’s not perfect yet.

We wait because we have too many obligations.

We wait because we are exhausted.

We wait because we must first overcome the hurdles.

And the list goes on and on…

So we live a deferred life plan in hopes that someday we will do what we desire.

#Truth:  if we are committed to doing what we long to do, we must ACT.

Not later, but today! Ouch… that may hurt, but know that it’s never too late!

Decide today that you will #StandForYou, your dreams, your life!

Yes, I know that this sounds obvious.

And that you probably have EVERY intention of being the change in your life, yet something always gets in the way. I mean after all, who among us doesn’t want to live the life they dream? Of course we all want that, and YET we wait.

Ludicrous and heartbreaking – right?

After helping entrepreneurs for the past 15+ years, I know that the best of intentions have no impact on the results without action! Sure we get fired up and ready to make it happen, and then life happens and once again we wait.

And each time we put off our dreams, goals, and desires we have a tougher time re-igniting the flame. I know, I have been there too.

BUT no more!

What I know for sure is that standing is the first of many steps. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is critical. Collaborate with others who are living their purpose-driven lives, and invest in yourself, your personal, professional and business growth. That is where the rubber meets the road.

So stop waiting and start acting on your dreams, goals, desires. There has never been a better time.

If you’re ready to do what needs doing, join us at an upcoming event!

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