Words – how I adore YOU!
My Jen, (Jen Violi – my amazing, heart-centered editor) who helped me unleash my story, Frock Off: Living Undisguised, to the world – makes words sound delicious, frock-alicious and even nutritious. Jen is a true wordsmith – as an editor, she works her magic, and others’ words come alive and jump off the page. As a writer, she strings words together in a way that makes my heart sing.
I too love words. Although I am in no way a wordsmith, I relish certain words and their meanings, both according to the dictionary and according to me! I revel in the way words can transport me to places of yesteryear or the future. I remember a time when “albeit” was one of my favorites. But that’s so yesterday!
Below are three of my steady favorites–timeless classics I like to roll around in my mind and speak with gusto to emphasize their meaning. I’m just weird like that.
- Love these!
Spicy: Heat in terms of seasoning – sure that’s one meaning. I also like to use the word spicy to describe someone who lives life full on. Someone who is spicy has a zest for life and adds an unmistakable flavor to all they do.
Crispy: French fries, bacon, or sheets taken directly from the clothes line on a cold winter day – so cold are the sheets that they can stand erect in the corner until the warm air envelops them and they fall softly to the floor.
Feisty: An adjective I would use to describe my approach in life. Not the traditional meaning to be aggressive but rather to have spunk, hutzpah and tenacity. Being feisty has served me well and kept me (and everyone I encounter) on my toes, determined not to give up.
And of course I would be remiss if I didn’t mention FROCK OFF, FROCK-ALICIOUS, and FROCKTHROUGH. Albeit…some are made up – old habits die hard!
My spicy, feisty, and word-loving self is so excited because, in October, my Jen is coming here to deliver the Story Watch Writing Retreat with Jen Violi
I can’t wait to spend the day deep diving into what I uncover and unleash with Jen’s ever-amazing guidance.
Why Story Watch Writing Retreat? Well, as with a whale-watching trip, this retreat is about traveling out into the vast mystery, away from dry land, and being present so our wild stories can reveal themselves to us, on their turf. It’s not about hunting down your story or demanding it come out and play. It’s about intentionally positioning yourself so you can watch and listen, so your story can show you its contours and capabilities, its beauty and power, how high it can jump, and how deep it can dive.
I can’t wait to read what you unleash!
See you soon!
Jo aka Word Nerd!