Why Yes, I would love a slice of pie!

Sometimes we just need a hero. I can distinctly remember three times in my life where I needed a hero to step in. Today I want to share one of them with you.

I remember wanting to open my business back in 2001, and being overwhelmed thinking there was no way.

I remember watching others and thinking, “How can I bring my message to the world? There are so many already offering what my heart tells me to offer, and they seem to be so much more qualified.”

Many were people I admired and aspired to be. I knew I had a compelling story and reason, but so did they and they were well on their way. They seemed to be living the life I was dreaming of.

Essentially I was comparing myself to those who had gone before me. Envy, and at times resentment for my lot in life, were the perfect ingredients for continued misery!

It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy for them – not at all! I just wanted to share the success or as I say, the pie! In truth I was probably afraid that the pie was all but gone. #scarcity

In reality, I was basing my judgement on little to no facts. It was based on my perception that there was no room in the market for me too. Not as a copycat me too, but as a new offering.

Why am I sharing this? Because I know that many of you have felt the same, so it’s important to address.

If you’re like me and have gone down this scarcity rabbit hole, you know how truly detrimental it can be to your life, relationships, and business.

At times I wondered if my dreams were realistic at all. I was second guessing everything I knew to be true to my core. After all, look where I was coming from and my horrible, tainted background…who was I kidding?

I was sure that those I admired, respected and followed had journeyed a path less fraught with obstacles and chaos. Again, I had no facts to base this on.

Surely I was the only one who had skeletons in what I lovingly referred to as my WALK IN closet! And what about resources, connections, intelligence and access to finances? I didn’t think I had any of those things either. But it turns out, that this was NOT TRUE at all.

One day it hit me. I needed to be my hero in my own life. ME! No one else! I had something different, my very own unique message…just like they did. It was as though a 2×4 hit me square in the forehead. Just as I admired, followed and respected others for their own unique gifts and offerings, so would others follow me so that I could serve them the best of what I have.

And there is was the truth staring right at me! I was more than good, smart and ready enough. SO are YOU!

Of all the things that truly hold us back, the most powerful is our mind, that poisonous little voice in your head! Once you master “the voice”, all the other pieces are doable. It’s all within your reach when you stand up and say yes, and decide it’s your time and your turn!

That’s when things became much easier – I became my own hero as I stepped fully into what I was supposed to do. I have been speaking for over 15 years now.

I have been blessed to share the stage, and the pie with so many amazing people. #sharethepie AND I get to be the change I seek in the world. Thank goodness I got out of my own way!

Share the Pie

When we stifle what we have and diminish our worth by comparing ourselves to others, we impact everything in our lives – relationships and business.

What matters most is that we bring our big glorious purpose to the world, and deliver the best of what we have to offer as only we can.

13.1 MillionIf you’re ready to move from Best Kept Secret to Success in Life, Love, and Business we will be here ready and waiting to share the pie!  

It’s our innate birth right to live the life we were intended to live. But it requires us to be our own hero. Move from the shadows to success in all areas of life. It’s not important how you start, just start

This is why we host live events in various parts of Canada, and one day far beyond. We are committed to launching those who are ready into the spotlight.

So go be the hero in your own life – We need YOU!

I have a mission to touch 13.1 million lives, and I will not stop until I do!


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