Your Life: Your Message
Does your life read like a beautiful story? Each chapter flowing gracefully into the next like ripples on the water, eventually caressing the shore line, or does your life read more like a typhoon, angry and menacing, threatening all who are in the way?
Either way, our life is our message to the world. What message is your life sending?
The easiest way to find out is to ask those you know and trust. Will they say your life is like the ripples on the water inspiring and transformational or that your life more resembles chaos in the aftermath of a typhoon?
And let’s be real here, at times life will resemble both. What we are seeking to determine is the norm for your life, and more importantly your message.
One day, your message, your purpose and it’s impact is all you will leave behind. What message will that be? What imprint will you leave?
I decided when I was six I would live to be 106 and as 2013 is quickly coming to a close, I realize I only have 53 good years left to share my message.
Since writing and launching Frock Off: Living Undisguised my life has changed tremendously and all for the better. My life is my message. I live frock-free of ill-serving frocks and it is my hope to inspire and impact those in my life.
Be The Ripple 
Be the ripple that changes the world.
With 2014 peaking around the corner I ask you to join me in making ripples, lots, lots, and lots of ripples!
Over the holiday season I wish you an abundance of joy, love and peace. I wish you moments of wonder and reflection. Most of all I wish for you to see the light and beauty you have within in you. For it is that beauty and light that will impact, imprint and change the world.
I won’t give up because the message is clear.
Don’t you give up… You have come so far. You are worth it! There is so much at stake.